On 12 and 13 September 2023, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, and the International Muslim Women Union, organized an APEC Women Free Cybercrime Workshop at Cititel Mid Valley Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. This workshop was a deliverable from the APEC-funded project, namely, APEC Women Empowerment through Cybercrime-Free Workshop for Secure Online Trading in the 4th Industrial Revolution. With strategic partners such as Cybersecurity Malaysia, Cybersecurity Academia Malaysia, IEEE Women in Engineering, and Royal Malaysian Police, this project managed to gather participants from around the world to participate in the workshop. 80 participants and experts from Malaysia, The Philippines, Chinese-Taipei, Brazil and Australia have participated and benefited from this workshop, especially on the best practices to avoid becoming cybercrime victims. During the workshop, the participants gained knowledge of the current trends of cybercrime and threats, the best practices for secure online trading, the overview of how the attack might occur, the practical session on the preventive measures, the emotion handling and the best method for incident handling. As the participant’s awareness levels have improved compared to before they attended the workshop, it shows the significant contribution to the cybercrime awareness of society.

Link: https://www.apec.org/docs/default-source/publications/2024/2/224_ppwe_apec-women-empowerment-through-cybercrime-free-workshop.pdf?sfvrsn=a8594024_2